Direct laser writing of polymer - graphene composites
Graphene-based polymer nanocomposites (GBPNC)
share common features with regard to fabrication methodologies,
processing, morphology characterization and fundamental physics. The key
to prepare advanced GBPNC is to control the engineering of the polymer-graphene
interface. Graphene have a pronounced tendency to agglomerate, making
them very hard to disperse homogenously in polymers, regardless of the
production process of the polymer nanocomposites. The prevention of
aggregation is essential because most of their unique properties are
present just in the pristine form. Because of this, a series of surface
modifications of graphene are performed in order to make them suitable
for homogenous dispersion in polymers. In this respect, oxidation
followed by chemical functionalization will facilitate dispersion and
stabilization, thus preventing agglomeration. In general, graphene are
functionalized by attaching small molecules or polymers chains to the
graphene surface. The chemical functionalization of the graphene surface
is considered to be an attractive solution because this approach renders
them hydrophilic (instead of hydrophobic). An improvement in its
solubility results in better dispersion and processability, enhancing
the interaction between the filler and matrix to the interface. The
general objective of the project is to produce 2D and 3D structures of
graphene based polymer nanocomposites with improved electrical, thermal,
optical and mechanical properties by direct laser writing of monomer/graphene
composite using a femtosecond IR laser. A technology will be developed
based on the monomer/graphene material interaction during the laser
action. The monomer will be urethane mono(dimethacrylates) in different
combinations with graphene and surface modified graphene. The project
bring at least two novelties: The polimer matrix is new in the filed of
GBPNC and DLW is a new technological approch to incorporate graphene in
a polymer matrix starting from monomers.
Project objectives
The general objective of the project is
to produce 2D and 3D structures of graphene based polymer nanocomposites
by direct laser writing of monomer/graphene composite using a fs IR
laser. A technology will be developed based on the monomer/graphene
material interaction befor and during the laser action. From the general
objective we can identify few secondary objectives related with monomer/graphee
mixing protocol and the properties of the written structures with the
aim to increase the solubility and omogeneity of graphene in the monomer
solution to maximize electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. The
properties of the graphene based nanocomposite structures will be
correlated with the laser processing conditions.

Direct Laser Writing principle
The technique consists in
a few steps:
1. Solution
preparation: the monomer to be polymerized is homogeneously mixed with a
photoinitiator and dissolved in a proper solvent.
2. Solution
mounting on the substrate: the working gel described above is poured on
a substrate in a thin and uniform layer. A standard method is
spin-coating. A simple drop cast can be also used.
3. Laser
irradiation: the focused laser beam is moved in the sample volume on the
desired path and the polymerization occurs just on the followed
trajectory. The focusing element is a microscope objective if the
designed structures are nanometric or a lens for micrometric structures.
4. Developing:
after irradiation the substrate is washed with alcohol and de ionized
water, the none irradiated (monomers) material being removed.
In this way, at the end of
the irradiation procedure, on the substrate the only remaining material
is the structure we have designed.
The ideea of producing polymers with controlled size and shape at micro
scale greatly influence various field of physics, chemistry, biology and
medicine. From photonic structures to reconstructive medicine IR
multiphoton polymerization prouved to be a reliable technique.
Because of their good conductivity, thermal stability, and excellent
mechanical strength, graphene and its derivatives are important filler
materials for polymer composites. The properties and performances of
graphene based polymer composites not only depend on the quality of
graphene filler and polymer matrix, but also depend on the dispersity of
the filler, the bonding between the filler and matrix, and the ratio of
filler to matrix. These factors are mainly determined by the fabrication
The interaction with the laser starts within the photoinitiator and then
the monomers, laser doesn’t interact with graphene, it will preserve the
functionalities, radical-type polymerization increase the solubility of
graphene materials and no other aditional preparation should be made.
These aproach opens the way to fabricate conductive, transparent,
mecanically resistant electronics for the flexible electonics industry.
The project bring at least two novelties in the field of graphene
based polymer nanocomposite materials. First, from the point of view of
the matrix,
urethane mono(dimethacrylates)
is a new matix for the graphene based polymer nanocomposite. Second, the
DLW is a new technological approch to incorporate graphene in a polymer
matrix starting from monomers.
Expected results
Photopolimerization technique will allow
us to fabricate 2D and 3D structures of graphene based polymer
composites to be used in fotonics and optoelectronics. In the next
images we show some of the possible 2D and 3D structures.

30x30 lines polymerized (N,N’-(methacryloyloxyethyl triehtoxy silyl
An experimental
model (technology)
for preparation of the graphene based polymer nanocoposite materials
based on the
DLW technique will be developed.
Phase list
Phase no. |
Phase title |
partners |
Start month
(1 ... n-1) |
End month
(2 ... n) |
1 |
Preparatory phase |
CO, P1,P2,P4 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
Photo-polymerization of
monomer - graphene systems |
CO, P1,P2,P3 |
9 |
20 |
3 |
Photo-polymerization of
monomer - functionalized graphene systems |
CO, P1,P2,P3 |
21 |
32 |
4 |
3-D direct writing and
polymerization of monomer - graphene systems |
CO, P1,P2 |
33 |
36 |
Available research infrastructure |
Two ultrafast laser
systems (GIWALAS - 200 fs, 2 kHz, 775 nm, max. 0.6 mJ; TEWALAS -
CPA amplifier at 30 fs, 10 Hz, max. 450 mJ, oscillator at 10 fs,
80 MHz, 800nm); one workstations for Direct Laser Writing (DLW)
equipped with high accuracy positioning stages (steppers
50x50x50 mm3, piezo 300x300x300 mm3; equipments for laser beam
characterisation (CCD spatial beam profilers, autocorrelators
for temporal profile measurements, spectrometers, energimeters);
optical tables, precised optical mounts and stages, optical
components for UV-VIS-NIR; CCD cameras for visualization and
focalization of the samples equipments, Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM),
Spectro-ellipsometer, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscope
(FTIR), X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), Secondary Ions Mass
Spectroscopy (SIMS), Dielectric spectroscopy bridge, are
available at INFLPR (CO).
has an available research infrastructure to assure all
conditions achieving the objectives stipulated in the present
project. Some of them are mentioned below: Bruker Avance DRX-400
NMR Spectrometer; Bruker VERTEX 70/70v FT-IR Spectrometer;
UV-VIS SPECORD 200 Analytik Jena Spectrophotometer; PerkinElmer
2400 Series II CHNS Elemental Analyzer; Microwave Reaction
System DISCOVER (CEM 500); Scanning Electron Microscope QUANTA
200 with elemental analysis system EDAX; Goniometer Optical
Video Contact Angle System KSV; Temperature differential
scanning calorimeter Pyris Diamond DSC; Perkin Elmer; Shimadzu
AGS-J testing machine (1kN).
has an available research infrastructure to assure all
conditions achieving the objectives stipulated in the present
project. Some of them are mentioned below:
Zwick T1-FR005TN Universal
Mechanical testing machine; Universal machine for static
mechanical testing of materials LFM 30Kn; Microdurimeter FM 700;
UV-Vis 570 Jasco spectrophotometer equipped with integrating
sphere; UV-Vis Lambda 35 PerkinElmer Spectrometer; Tunneling
electron microscope STM-Ntegra; Type confocal optical microscope
NIKON system, Dilatometer L75 PT, DSC 204 F1 Phoenix
differential calorimeter, dynamic mechanical analyzer DMA Q8
apparatus techniques coupled thermal analysis (TG-DTA-DSC-FTIR)
STA 409PC, analysis STA 449 F3 Jupiter thermal, physical
property measurement system - Quantum Design PPMS apparatus
LUMIPOL type 3.
Available infrastructure, necessary
in the project (http://www.infim.ro
Facilities and services section):
Analytical Atomic Resolution Electron Microscope JEM-ARM200F
(JEOL) with field emission gun (FEG) operating at maximum 200 kV
in the high resolution transmission/scanning microscopy (HRTEM/
HRSTEM) modes. JEOL 200 CX electron microscope for conventional
TEM, diffraction contrast imaging, electron diffraction; TEM
specimen preparation room provided with several thinning
techniques; FT Raman Spectrophotometer RFS 100/S (Bruker ). |
Budget breakdown / destination (lei) |
Personnel costs |
Logistics |
Travel |
Indirect costs |
Total |
Equipments |
Materials |
Subcontracting |
(CO) |
Public Budget |
530167 |
5000 |
28000 |
0 |
21000 |
115833 |
700000 |
Partner 1 |
Public Budget |
160000 |
50000 |
95000 |
0 |
25000 |
70000 |
400000 |
Partner 2 |
Public Budget |
317000 |
35000 |
40000 |
0 |
15000 |
93000 |
500000 |
Partner 3 |
Public Budget |
306000 |
0 |
6000 |
0 |
8000 |
80000 |
400000 |
Total |
1313167 |
90000 |
169000 |
0 |
69000 |
358833 |
2000000 |
Expected impact
Main impact of this projects is the opening of new research
directions and applications for the most attractive material
of the moment.
Target indicators
-An innovative
product – with a degree of innovation appreciated as
-A new technology
- with a performance level assessed as high;
-Recipes and
reinforcement solutions - with a degree of novelty
appreciated as high.
Economic impact
is related with the transfer of knowledge to the industry in
Romania but also at international level. New material with
electrical, optical, mechanical and thermal properties for
known (optoelectronics, photonics, flexible electronic
industry) and yet unknown applications. Industrial
technological lines can be imagine for large scale
Scientific impact
is related with the interdisciplinarity of the project
activities and the common use of knowledge in a new emerging
field. A new technology (laboratory model) will be developed
for graphene based polymer composites. Interdisciplinarity
of the project will allow the interaction with other
scientific comunities.
Social impact:
young scientists are already involved in the research
activity. Consortium groups have 18 Potdoc, PhD Students or
Master Students. The project will allow them to benefit of
consortium equipment and knowledge and to face new and
advanced methods for materials synthesis, processing and
characterization. The
project will create opportunities for education at
specialization/master/PhD students to prepare diploma,
master and PhD thesis.
3.2. Dissemination
and/or exploitation of project results, and management of
intellectual property rights
The scientific
production will be identified as the results of this joint
research project. It will be encouraged to publish in high
impact factor journals. The communications at international
conferences will be oral presentations eventually doubled by
posters that will identify other aditional aspects of the
Ethical issues and
intelectual property rights
In order to fulfill the
ethical conditions during the project development will be
applied the requirements established by the
Law206/27.05.2004 regarding the good practice in research,
development and innovation activity, and the requirement of
the European laws. The allocation of the intellectual
property rights among the participants will be discussed in
the Management Comity. The already existing know-how will be
established and the ownership of the new know-how will be
The rights on the
patents resulted from the research will belong to all
partners, at percentages in accord with the actual laws. The
Management Comity will decide regarding the result
dissemination. The project does not involve problems
regarding bioethics and biosecurity (human or animal
subjects, forbidden chemicals, poisons, explosives are not
used). |
2012 ©
George Epurescu