Photonic processing of bio-polymers




Contract no. 71-111


Project manager: Dr. Maria Dinescu


Project Presentation: download the presentation (.ppt)


CO: National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics



P1. Petru Poni Molecular Chemistry Institute – IASI

P2. Biochemistry Institute – Bucharest

P3. Polytechnic University – Bucharest



General objective of the project is to elaborate last generation technologies for photonic processing of the polymers at a micro and nanometer level for applications in medicine and biology. This general objective can be realized by reaching sector objectives, such as:


Scientific objectives follow the development of knowledge through:


-         Generate new knowledge in the science of the polymeric material synthesis with direct applications in medicine and biology

-         Obtaining fundamental results in the area of photonic polymer processing techniques

-         Generate new knowledge in the area of producing polymeric structures that are functional through photonic processing, with an opening towards the application side

-         Generate new skills in the tissue engineering area by realizing dermal and bone graft


Technological objectives:

a)        achieving experimental ensembles of great performance

b)        the synthesis and evaluation of new polymeric materials with applications in medicine and biology

c)        developing the techniques for photonic processing of the polymers

d)        creating functional polymeric structures regarding the applicability in biology and medicine

e)        testing the biocompatibility properties of the thin films

f)          testing the 3D “scaffold” structures through preparing dermal and bone grafts

Ist stage – December 2007

Studies regarding how to prepare the polymers and experimental methods for processing and characterization of the polymeric materials with close application in medicine and biology.

IInd Stage - June 2008

IIIrd Stage - July 2009

IVth Stage - December 2009

Vth Stage - December 2010