Contract nr. 41/05.10.2011

Cod proiect: PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0267

Denumirea Programului din PN II: Resurse Umane

Subprogram: Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea constituirii de tinere echipe de cercetare independente

Autoritatea contractanta: Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI)

Director de proiect: Alexandra Palla Papavlu

Coordonator: Institutul National pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei


The new trend in the era we live, e.g. tobacco use, dietary customs, and physical inactivity is responsible for the major killers worldwide - the hypertensive heart diseases. This lead to the development of new pharmaceutical forms with improved bioavailability and stable dosage by using clean technologies. Among these, transdermal patches gained popularity, being nowadays developed for everything, i.e. from contraception to Parkinson's disease. Although significant advances have been directed towards the fabrication of transdermal patches for hypertensive heart diseases, so far the already available transdermal patches present a large series of limitations. This is due to the large number of requirements they have to fulfill: the fabrication of a drug delivery system that meets all the stringent needs specific to the drug molecule, they have to be comfortable and cosmetically appealing, scale-up and manufacturability, and most important, economical. This project, through its team of six young researchers and one senior scientist, aims at using an alternative technology (i.e. MAPLE) to prepare in a quick and one-step procedure a new generation transdermal patches with Captopril as active compound, for hypertensive heart diseases, in order to overcome its side effects by oral application. Such developments of an improved state-of-the-art transdermal patch by means of MAPLE promise to be a breakthrough in the field of medicine, biotechnology, and polymer science.

Obiectivul proiectului
Obiectivul principal al acestui proiect este de a aplica o tehnologie alternativa, MAPLE (Evaporare laser pulsate asistata de o matrice) pentru a fabrica rapid si intr-un singur pas plasturi transdermici. Acesti plasturi contin substanta activa Captopril si vor fi folositi pentru tratarea hipertensiunii arteriale.

Obiective intermediare:
Obiectivul principal al proiectului este sustinut de obiective intermediare, ce corespund fiecarui an de implementare a proiectului:
Anul I: Experimente MAPLE pentru depunerea de filme subtiri polimerice si amestecuri de polimeri. Caracterizarea chimica si morfologica a filmelor subtiri de polimeri depuse.
Anul II: Experimente MAPLE pentru depunerea de filme subtiri polimerice ce contin substanta activa Captopril. Analiza materialelor depuse (studii morfologice, aderenta, masuratori de unghi de contact, structura chimica, determinarea variatiilor de grosime si masa, determinarea incorporarii de substanta activa).
Anul III: Teste in vivo si ex vivo.

Componenta echipei de implementare
Dr. Alexandra Palla-Papavlu – director de proiect
Dr. Maria Dinescu – cercetator senior
Dr. Andreea Matei – cercetator post-doctorand
Dr. Valentina Dinca - cercetator post-doctorand
Dr. Mihaela Filipescu – cercetator post-doctorand
Dr. Catalin Luculescu – cercetator senior
Antoniu Moldovan – student doctorand



1. A. Palla-Papavlu, J. Shaw-Stewart, T. Mattle, V. Dinca, T. Lippert, A. Wokaun, M. Dinescu, Comparison of 193 nm and 308 nm laser liquid printing by shadowgraphy imaging, Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 278, pages 180-184, 2013

2. M. Dinescu, A. Matei, V. Dinca, A. Palla Papavlu, F. Di Pietrantonio, D. Cannata, M. Benetti, E. Verona, T. Lippert, Laser processing of organic materials: Applications in tissue engineering and chemical sensing, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 65, pp 1091-1031 (2013)

3. A. Palla Papavlu, L. Rusen, V. Dinca, M. Filipescu, T. Lippert, M. Dinescu, Characterization of ethylcellulose and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose thin films deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation, Applied Surface Science 302: 87-91 (2014).

4. A. Palla-Papavlu, M. Filipescu, I. Tirca, T. Lippert, L. Cremer, A. Calugaru, E. Vlase, C. Coman, M. Dinescu, “Captopril transdermal patches prepared via laser-assisted method” – under review




Title and authors

Type of presentation


E-MRS, Strasbourg, Franta


Development of a polymer patch by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation as a model of transdermal sustained release system, A. Palla-Papavlu, V. Dinca, M. Filipescu, P. Rotaru, M. Dinescu



New Materials and Devices Group, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazilia


Laser processing of soft materials: An overview of MAPLE and LIFT, A. Palla Papavlu

Lectie invitata


ROMOPTO, International Conference on Optics "Micro-to-Nano-Photonics III" Bucuresti, Romania


Application of laser based methods for the fabrication of polymeric transdermal drug-delivery systems incorporating captopril: Morphological characterization, A. Palla Papavlu, L. Rusen, V. Dinca, M. Dinescu



ROMOPTO, , International Conference on Optics "Micro-to-Nano-Photonics III" Bucuresti, Romania


Laser processing of soft materials: applications to controlled drug delivery, tissue engineering, sensing, I.A. Paun, A. Matei, V.C. Dinca, A. Palla Papavlu, C. Luculescu, V. Ion, A. Moldovan, T. Lippert, M. Dinescu 

Lectie invitata


4th International Workshop: Current trends and advanced ellipsometry and all x-ray techniques for characterization of TCO, BIO, and other nanostructured materials


MAPLE and LIFT soft techniques for organic material processing, V. Dinca, A. Palla Papavlu, A. Matei, I.A. Paun, M. Dinescu

Lectie invitata

6. E-MRS, Strasbourg, Franta
Application of matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation for the
fabrication of polymeric transdermal drug-delivery system incorporating Captopril
, A. Palla-Papavlu, V. Dinca, M. Filipescu, C. Luculescu, L. Rusen, T. Lippert, M.


7. New Materials and
Devices Group,
Polytechnic School of the
University of Sao Paulo,
Laser processing of soft
materials: An overview of
, A. Palla Papavlu

Lectie invitata

8. ROMOPTO, International
Conference on Optics
Photonics III" Bucuresti,
Application of laser based
methods for the fabrication of
polymeric transdermal drugdelivery
systems incorporating
captopril: Morphological
, A. Palla
Papavlu, L. Rusen, V. Dinca, M.


International Conference
on Optics "Micro-to-
Nano-Photonics III"
Bucuresti, Romania
Laser processing of soft
materials: applications to
controlled drug delivery, tissue
engineering, sensing
, I.A. Paun,
A. Matei, V.C. Dinca, A. Palla
Papavlu, C. Luculescu, V. Ion, A.
Moldovan, T. Lippert, M. Dinescu

Lectie invitata

10. 4th International Workshop: Current
trends and advanced
ellipsometry and all x-ray
techniques for
characterization of TCO,
BIO, and other
nanostructured materials
MAPLE and LIFT soft techniques for organic material processing,
V. Dinca, A. Palla Papavlu, A.
Matei, I.A. Paun, M. Dinescu

Lectie invitata

11. High Power Laser
Ablation HPLA/BEP, 21-
25.04.2014 Santa Fe,
New Mexico, SUA
Application of laser-based
methods for the fabrication of
Captopril transdermal patches
A. Palla Papavlu, V. Dinca, M.

Lectie invitata

12. European Materials
Research Society EMRS
Lille, Franta
Fabrication of cardiovascular
drug deliery systems by matrix
assisted pulsed laser
, A. Palla Papavlu, V.
Dinca, M. Dinescu


13. Conferinta nationala de
Imunologie, 2-4.10.2014
Application of laser-based
methods for the fabrication of
Captopril transdermal patches,
A. Palla Papavlu
, I. Tirca, M.
Dinescu, L. Cremer, A. Calugaru,
E. Vlase, C. Coman


14. EMRS Autumn Meeting,
15-18.09.2014 Varsovia,
Laser printing of carbon
nanotube networks for
chemiresistor sensor
, A. Palla Papavlu, J.
Chen, A. Woakaun, T. Lippert, M.

Prezentare orala


Etapa I - 15.12.2011 (Raport stiintific)

Valoare etapa I:
106,250 lei

Etapa II - 15.12.2012 (Raport stiintific)

Valoare etapa II:
236,250 lei

Etapa III - 15.12.2013 (Raport stiintific)

Valoare etapa III:
248,750 lei

Etapa IV - 30.09.2014 (Raport stiintific)

Valoare etapa IV: 148,350 lei